It’s a hard knock life, for us.

August 4th, 2009

I ride my bike between 50 and 100 miles a week. My area of travel is mostly focused to the northwest of Greater Boston. Without fail, though, every weekday, twice a day I commute through Porter Square, Harvard Square,  and Coolidge Corner. My route sends me over pedestrian walking bridges, through four lane intersections, around rotaries – you name it, I do it. I see the best and worst of people on this journey – mostly drivers, but also pedestrians and cyclists. Think of me as a scientist. Every day I conduct the same experiment, and every day I observe the outcome. I myself am the only constant in this equation: I take the same route, I follow the same rules (rules of my own devising, I’ll get more into that), and I do it at the same time every day. With this information I hope to create a realistic picture of exactly what it’s like out there for your average cyclist on the roads of Metro Boston.

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